I WANT MY NEW DOCTOR! And I want him now. I tried all the BBC links and while I can download the players, I can't download any shows until I'm back in England....RRRRRR. I not be going to England, any time soon, maties. So here I sit with Sammy Bo Baggins, trying every site known to man, and I'm not getting anything that doesn't want me to sign up for some 'free' offers that are anything but free. So I keep looking. Keep playing with Sammy, and keep understanding that, this is not going to work, and I'm not going to get to see my new DOCTOR!
You see, I was at a birthday party last night for a friend, must really care about her a lot to miss dr. who, but I was so sure I could stream it....somewhere....found three other Doctor Who fans at the party too all, planning to do the same thing, or in the case of my favorite british couple here in The Windy City, they watched half of it an LEFT for the party. I had to keep saying, SPOILERS, sweetie at them as they smiled at me with their contagious british wit and said, "Oh. Of course. Actually the big part that happens, is...." and I ran away with fingers solidly implanted in my ears.
Now it seems that I may have found one, for screaning purposes only, and in black and white, but you know what, the first doctor was in black and white and I don't care. I need to see it. I can always watch it again when the fans start posting it on line. Very disappointed that it wasn't on my usual sites, they are always so reliable.
I will attempt to watch it while Sammy Bo Baggins naps, and hopefully I will not go through too much withdrawal from Doctor 11, like I did when Doctor 10 left. Sigh. Sill makes me sad, but I am looking forward to Doctor 12. He is fanboy like I'm a fangirl. And there is nothing sweeter than getting to see a fan grow up and become a character he never thought he'd get the chance to act. Can you imagine, little Peter five years old watching the very first Doctor on TV and never missing an episode? Doctor Who has been in my life my entire life. Although I didn't get a chance to watch it a a child like he did, I started with Doctor 4, and never looked back. Well, I watched the older ones eventually, but the reboot is everything Doctor Who wanted to be back then but we didn't have the technology. Now, it's stunning, even in black and white.
And now I think it may be time to put aside all the worries of life and trials we all go through and get lost with one of my favorite characters....sigh....like Donna, I keep watching for my TARDIS, like Rose I know it would end badly, and most like River, having my own sonic screwdriver, try to keep up, Sweetie.
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