Yesterday was one of the best days in a long time, because what was going to be a very quick visit between old friends, turned out to be an all day affair, thanks to one of my sets of bosses. They found a way, (took a PTO day) to give me the entire day off to be with She of Little Combat Boots and her first born, Pumpkin Pie, who to me will always be my favorite Padawan and Disney Princess combination. (And now that Disney owns Star Wars I guess that's not so crazy) Padawan Pumpkin Pie's girl scout troop came to Chicago for the weekend. The only day I could see them was their last day, yesterday, and boy did we fit a lot in.
Our first stop was the Peggy Notebaert Nature Musemum, I really want to take Ginger Snap here, and Beatle Boy and Sammy Bo Baggins and Flower Girl when they are a little older. Was great to walk around and play with Padawan Pumpkin Pie in all the interactive areas. She even touched a snake, which was no big deal to her but a big deal to me. I hate snakes. :)
Our next stop was lunch at RJ Grunts I'd never been there yet and boy was it good. And not only kid friendly but very adult at the same time. Loved the Woodstock theme music and pictures on the walls. We ate way too much and I had to try the fresh brewed coffee shake. yummy.
After the that we walked back across the street to the Lincoln Park Zoo. a free zoo in our city and one I've been to with Ginger Snap and Sammy Bo Baggins. Special things this trip we got to hear the female and male loin roaring. A LOT at each other. Was scary and fantastic and awe-inspiring at the same time. We only had two hours there so got to see about a third of it, but it was a good bit. Next time we will see the rest.
Then we proceeded to dinner at a Chicago hot dog place called Relish The Thought. relish the thought which was a great first Chicago hot dog experience for the girls and fit into Boys Town after missing our bus stop. It happens, but I felt bad that I didn't know the area they were going to at all.
Then we got to the Comedy Sportz of Chicago, an age friendly improve comedy show. WAS great. And while it's kid friendly, there were a lot of kid groups and adult groups side, by side. Awesome night time event to wrap up the evening.
Padawan Pumpkin Pie and I didn't want the evening to end. I think Little Combat Boots and I were both so tired that all we could think of was bed. However I did give myself a long soak in a very refreshing bath when I got home. It was more fun that I could have imagined and I can't believe how much she has grown. I wish I could have seen Little G and Wolfy too. Soon I hope.
I am looking forward to sharing pictures with First Daughter later tonight, I was going to see another apartment this morning but it is sadly off the market today. Missed it by one day. Oh well, back to the search. I think I can do better than $825 a month which was the one I looked at Friday night. Back to looking.
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