Sherlock Holmes and his lovely wife Ms. Watson invited me again this year to their annual Air Show party. Last year when I went, I felt more like I had been invited because I was living with Second Daughter and Second Son, being their live in nanny, it seemed right to include me. I may have been wrong there. We had met at a wedding, four years ago, we just hadn't had any opportunity to get to be friends on our own. But now I live here, and this year I was invited on my own. So I went. It is always a grand party. They live on the 15th floor of a high rise right on the very expensive shore of Lake Michigan. The panoramic view that they have of the lake, beaches, parks and skyline is breathtaking by itself. I could look out those windows all day and night and be enthralled by the cities beauty. But add to that, all the drink combinations you can imagine, great foods on a continuous buffet of never ending snacks, wonderfully intelligent and witty conversations with a scope of people from the arts industry to law, and the Blue Angels among other great pilots, and you have a combination for a memorable time. This party started at 10 am and I wasn't the last to leave at 8 pm. And I only left because I figured if I stayed until after dark I might not be able to get home without passing out.
I had a wonderful time but drank way too much, in retrospect I should have slowed down, but it was more keeping up than leading the pack. Admittedly I'm out of practice for this kind of marathon drinking. Catching up with people I had met through Second Daughter and Second Son was great. Some of these people I had run into at a wake earlier this year, birthday parties, and at a few plays here and there throughout the year, but for the most part this is the event where I see them all at once. And I met someone new and made a new friend that lives in my neighborhood. An actress that is performing with Mr. Holmes in an upcoming production. I hope we will be able to get to know each other more. We talked a lot at the even and have a bit in common. And Ms. Watson gave me her cell number as I left so that we can do more together. This made me very happy, as she and her husband are huge Dr. Who fans and I'd love to have someone to watch the new season with. Or at least discuss it. I hope I will be brave and call on both of these intelligent and fun women for my adult time in Chicago.
See its always been hard for me to make the first move. But I think I have to learn that, and I think that is what Chicago is going to teach me. How to really reach out. put myself out there, and make friends. And not just accept my husband or boyfriends friends as mine. Or wait to be approached, which is how its always happened to me in the past. I think its time for me to reach out to people I find interesting and make them my friends. Now where did I put all that extra confidence I've been saving up?
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