Sunday, September 20, 2015

Too Sick To Write

What a great time with Ginger Snap yesterday and Friday night.  He came over to spend the night with his grandma, and we ate junk food and started construction on the Lego Death Star. We stayed up until 10:30, which is the equivilant of an all nighter for a seven year old, and worked on it again all day Saturday until it was time to go to his house, and watch him and his little brother for a few hours so Second Daughter and Second Son could have some adult time at a wedding.  All in all it was a great weekend until, while on my way home from their house, I started to have a scratchy throat and couldn't stop sneezing.

You guessed it.  So sick this morning.  I hope I can kick it before work tomorrow.  I need groceries and should do laundry, although if that had to wait a day it could, but food cannot.  Maybe I can have them delivered.  We shall check the funding and see.  :)

I should edit Act Two but I think in this state it wouldn't be worth keeping, but I might still attempt it if I can't sleep.  I was having so much fun or so busy the last few days that I missed Mr. Hopeful three separate times that he tried to reach out to me.  Well two for sure and one I almost missed but he couldn't really talk at our usual weekly time anyway this week.  But it made me feel good to know I was in his thoughts and that he tried again.  It made me feel good to be busy too, though.  I think, sometimes, that a great deal of my social life is waiting to chat with him. 

I really wish I felt better.  I also wish I had access to BBC for new Doctor Who.  Makes being sick worse somehow knowing I have to wait a year for it to get to Netflix.  Where are the fan boy links when you need them.  The SAFE ones.  LOL


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