Sunday, May 1, 2016

Staycation in Chicago, and Vacation in St. Paul

With the beginning of May, I welcome new beginnings in my life.  My vacation so far has been one of the most relaxing, fun, exciting, unexpected, romantic, and all around emotionally fulfilling one that I have had in a long time.  Half of it I spent just chilling and relaxing and trying to recover from being sick with bronchitis.  Gaming and Gotham filled my days while Doctor Who and Wheel of Time filled my nights.  It was just what the 'Doctor' ordered.

The second half of my vacation has been full of old friends and my brain feels wonderfully full of all the new information from catching up.  First to surprise me with an overnight visit was Mr. Hopeful.  My heart always loves seeing him and talking together about our lives and our dreams.  What went wrong, what is right, and how to fix the issues in our lives that we just can't talk about with everyone.  It's necessary to have old friends that know you so well they can see through the lies you tell yourself, and he is one of those friends for me.  We stayed up much too late just talking and watching movies.  Breakfast the next morning was at my favorite spot near my apartment, and while I would have loved to have him my guest for more time, it wasn't meant to be for I had a train to catch to St. Paul to visit my best friend, She of Little Combat Boots, Mr. Miah, and their three beautiful and energetically entertaining children who have grown up so much without me.  I'm too excited and happy to be here to be sad about missing a chunk of their childhood.  Pumpkin Pie is 13 now, and I couldn't be more proud how her face still lights up when she sees me and runs like she was still five to hug me.  She is the most joyous and 'punny' (like her dad) 13-year-old I've met, and very passionate about her loves and hates.  LiL G is 8 and in the words of her mother, she acts like she's 22 and that's not far off.  She's articulate and wise and has a sense of humor that rivals my children's for being both dark and funny.  And then there is Wolfy the one saw being born, who I can't believe is 6 and while he's not as vocal as his sisters, I love it when he comes quietly up to me and asks me a question or tells me he wants to show me something, with his bright eyes shining.   I got to see Pumpkin Pie's spring concert my second night here and yesterday the whole family plus another old friend I didn't expect to see played D&D.  I know, all of you that gamed with us in the past are very jealous that I got to game with Mr. Miah as DM and She of Little Combat Boots and their daughters.  Wolfy is not as interested YET.  But I have a feeling he will be in a few years.  Gaming with their kids reminded me of my own home years ago gaming with my children and friends.  Tomorrow morning I leave, sadly.  But my future might bring me back here sooner than I know.  And who am I to argue with Time or Fate about my future.  Tring to live there will drive you insane.  So I don't.  But knowing that we all wish to be near each other still is a good feeling and will comfort me when I depart.

One to making more memories today with them. 


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