Sometimes I feel like I'm living in a Star Trek episode that went horribly wrong. Like one of those classic episodes where they go back in time and fall in love with a woman that they have to let die or millions of others will die. Or the one where the society got tainted by a book left behind and became one of the worst examples of society. Like now.
I'm afraid for my future. And the future of everyone I know. I remember my mom saying she was afraid for her grandkids, and the world we were leaving them. But I think it's getting worse much quicker for my generation. I think we're not just worried about the world we are leaving for our grandkids but for our kids and ourselves.
I see a lot of things on social media which I never know if I should believe, so I look them up, and they end up being true. Then I wonder why it isn't all over the news and the most important thing we are talking about and I realize the news is run by four individuals that own the four big entertainment conglomerates. And they own all the stations and newspapers. And they are in the 1% and back politicians or the government and the government doesn't want the people to panic so they keep us entertained with news that they think will divide us as a people instead of us focusing our rage on them.
New stories that rile us up. Like the swimmer rapist only serving three months and out for good behavior, proving he's the best of men. A good guy rapists. Or the senseless deaths that started the BLM and BLM movement. See they are the same. I know its suppose to make it appear insignificant for the movement to say 'all lives matter' so now we have to list them all separately so we don't appear to be either a bigot or stupid. Because each is saying all lives already except the movements chosen life. Just like we can get behind a woman being physically abused by her husband, and we mean all people that are being physically abused, men, too. But aren't we sweeping the problem under the carpet to not mention abusive woman when we don't stop talking about the abusive men? Aren't we forgetting that in the end that what we really are fighting against is equality? What is dividing us from focusing our attention on terrorists and wars and my favorite, global warming? That one is becoming so bad weather is changing and cities are flooding so consistently that the maps of Louisiana are wrong now. They have permanently lost a lot of coastal land area. Florida is next. And then Manhattan. When are we as a people going to start to love each other no matter who we want to sleep with or what color our skin is?
I know humans don't need any help in hating each other, but I believe our media should not help us hate each other. I know their job is to report the news unbiasedly. But they don't do that. They all have a different agenda. One of the smartest shows I watched about this was The Newsroom. It was smart and showed how unpopular an honest newsroom would be.
We can make a difference. We just need to ban together as a people and stop listening to raving politicians who only want the free ticket we gave politicians. That endless retirement and healthcare money. They get paid for not doing a damn thing to help us and for hurting us more and more. We elect them and the machine is broken. It's time for more than a change. It's time for a revolution. A political and financial revolution that saves our middle class and protects our lower class, which is most of us now. I know more people including myself that are living at the poverty level or below. And most of them are college educated people with jobs. Hard working people that have full-time jobs and still can't make a decent living and save for their retirement. We need to focus more inwardly and let the world take care of itself, while we try to mend the mess we have made at home. We need to be helping each other instead of listening to our media and being afraid of each other. See the best slaves don't know they are slaves. And we are doing a bang up job of letting our government force us into a silent workforce. And as much as I'm in favor of legalizing marijuana, if they can keep us drugged while working and passive as well....well that's a dream come true for a real tyrant isn't?
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