It's a warm Christmas morning in Wisconsin, mid 30's and expected to be almost 40, but we still have some snow so we do have a white Christmas. I'm snug under blankets listening to how quiet it is here compared to Chicago. First Daughters cats are playing cat games and I couldn't be happier snug under blankets in her home for the holidays.
We, along with First Daughter In Law and First Son opened presents last night. I had to break down and bring them a little something. My present this year was in getting to come here again so soon. After Thanksgiving I didn't think I'd be able to come for Christmas too. But sometimes the Universe works in my favor. I hope that continues.
Last night was a wonderful Christmas Eve birthday celebration at Yesterdaze, one of my favorite hang outs here, and I ran into six old friends and we drank and caught up until much later than I probably should have, but you know how time flies when you are having fun. I hope to run into She Of Little Combat Boots and her family today before they leave town back to the twin cities. Many Christmas celebrations and three kids found them too tired to join us last night.
Being here and surrounded by people I've missed and loved makes me so much happier than being alone in Chicago missing them. I suppose that's an understatement, but when you survive in a big city alone, you tend to get comfortable in your rut. And try not to think too much about your loved ones you left behind. For fear of missing them too much and hating where your life has taken you. I often wish I could have the friends I have here in Chicago. But I have found making new friends in Chicago to be a challenge. It's not that people aren't friendly, they are, it's just that when you meet someone new it's usually just that moment. Never reoccurring. In the almost three years that I've lived there I've had a lot of really good first encounters that haven't matriculated into much of anything more than that. People are all so busy with their lives. I am too. And I get that it's hard to fit new people into an already crammed schedule.
I'm lonely there sometimes, but I hide it as well as I can, and thankfully I have high tech communication that seems to make me feel almost like I'm here when we chat. I know it sounds sad to some of you that I'm locked in a tech bubble for communication with family and friends, but it's certainly better for me than being really alone. And while I might be missing out on the day to day little things that happen, I eventually hear about it all. And I don't miss the big stuff. Which is good. This visit I find I'm not surrounded by bad memories as much as I felt that last month when I returned for Thanksgiving. And so far I already have plans for today, Monday and Tuesday. Which gives me two more days to plan fun stuff here before heading back to my city on Friday.
I hope any of you that are reading this will find joy and peace this day with your loved ones as I am finding it with mine. And I hope that feeling will last you much longer than the day.
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