Sunday, October 15, 2017

Spontaneous Adventure In Chicago Gotham Style

Its been raining here in Chicago nearly non stop for over 24 hours.  Everyonce in a while it stirs itself up into a thunderstorm with lightning and big boomers, but for the most part, just rain.  Gray skies and rain.  I spent most of yesterday, after weekly errands, just gaming, watching documentaries and drinking coffee or tea depending on my mood.  The coffee mood continues as we type.  If I could hide again today I would, but I have promised to go on an adventure with  my landlord friends, Rachel and Ross  (nicknames of course as I never use real names). 

Gotham's version of a comic con is in Chicago this weekend and we are going to go today on a lark.  See if we can get tickets and see if any photo ops or autograph ops are still available.  They are not the same company as Wizard World so I can't use use my free admission or I would.  But we really love his show and since there was not any advertising for it and the weather sucks, we are hoping that it wont be as busy as a comic con where there is a diverse supply of talent for fan girls and guys.  With only the one show and the only guests being Riddler, Penguin, Alfred and Hammer-hand, and lots of vendors we might still get in.  (Cat-woman and Ivy were Saturday but Rachel and I really didn't care as much about them, cant say the same for Ross).  If not we can go on an adventure in Schaumburg or come back into Chicago.  Its always an adventure with Rachel and Ross.  Never a real plan, more of a guideline.  And its always fun.  Either way we will have a great day today celebrating Rachel's birthday fan girl style.  She was so caught up in the excitement and happy for me when I went on my first con, that now that there is one here she is interested in she has decided to spend her birthday funds getting autographs and photo shoots.  I may have opened the door to lots of cons for us all in the future.  Pictures will follow as usual.

Next weekend my daughter and best friend and her husband, who is also a best friend, and their kids will be here.  I should have lot to discuss in next weeks blog.  Both about what happened today and with all of them.  Wish us luck.  We many need it. 


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