Sunday, October 26, 2014

Busy, Busy, Busy

I believe in the four years of writing this blog this is the latest I've ever posted.  But I have a really good excuse.  Short blog today as I finally broke down and saw a doctor on my 'pinched nerve'.  Turns out it's carpal tunnel and I'm wearing a wrist splint for two weeks.  That's the first step.  We shall hope we don't have to do any of the next steps as they don't seem very comfortable.  However the wrist splint seems to be helping.  I'm at least sleeping through the night.  However typing is very difficult now.

I did get my new studio and am picking up the keys on Wednesday night, and moving all my stuff over the course of next week Wednesday, Thursday, Saturday and Sunday if needed.  Cable guy is coming on Sunday morning.  And I even bought some cleaning supplies and ordered my Dr. Who stuff for my new Dr. Who bathroom.  It matches my hair...Tardis blue.  :).  The rest of the studio will be in red, black and white.  Let me know if you have anything to donate in those colors.  My first big purchases will be furniture that doubles as storage.  And my wish list is long.  But I'm so happy to be slowly decorating it and looking forward to space of my own again.  And some much needed quiet time.  I miss my quiet time without any kids.  Being a live in nanny is very noisy.  :)

Have to rest my hand now.  Cheers

Sunday, October 19, 2014

Are They Made From Real Girl Scouts?

Yesterday was one of the best days in a long time, because what was going to be a very quick visit between old friends, turned out to be an all day affair, thanks to one of my sets of bosses.  They found a way, (took a PTO day) to give me the entire day off to be with She of Little Combat Boots and her first born, Pumpkin Pie, who to me will always be my favorite Padawan and Disney Princess combination.  (And now that Disney owns Star Wars I guess that's not so crazy)  Padawan Pumpkin Pie's girl scout troop came to Chicago for the weekend.  The only day I could see them was their last day, yesterday, and boy did we fit a lot in.

Our first stop was the Peggy Notebaert Nature Musemum,  I really want to take Ginger Snap here, and Beatle Boy and Sammy Bo Baggins and Flower Girl when they are a little older.  Was great to walk around and play with Padawan Pumpkin Pie in all the interactive areas.  She even touched a snake, which was no big deal to her but a big deal to me.  I hate snakes.  :)

Our next stop was lunch at RJ Grunts  I'd never been there yet and boy was it good.  And not only kid friendly but very adult at the same time.  Loved the Woodstock theme music and pictures on the walls.  We ate way too much and I had to try the fresh brewed coffee shake.  yummy.

After the that we walked back across the street to the Lincoln Park Zoo.   a free zoo in our city and one I've been to with Ginger Snap and Sammy Bo Baggins.  Special things this trip we got to hear the female and male loin roaring.  A LOT at each other.  Was scary and fantastic and awe-inspiring at the same time.  We only had two hours there so got to see about a third of it, but it was a good bit.  Next time we will see the rest.

Then we proceeded to dinner at a Chicago hot dog place called Relish The Thought.  relish the thought which was a great first Chicago hot dog experience for the girls and fit into Boys Town after missing our bus stop.  It happens, but I felt bad that I didn't know the area they were going to at all.

Then we got to the Comedy Sportz of Chicago, an age friendly improve comedy show.  WAS great.  And while it's kid friendly, there were a lot of kid groups and adult groups side, by side.  Awesome night time event to wrap up the evening.

Padawan Pumpkin Pie and I didn't want the evening to end.  I think Little Combat Boots and I were both so tired that all we could think of was bed.  However I did give myself a long soak in a very refreshing bath when I got home.  It was more fun that I could have imagined and I can't believe how much she has grown.  I wish I could have seen Little G and Wolfy too.  Soon I hope.

I am looking forward to sharing pictures with First Daughter later tonight, I was going to see another apartment this morning but it is sadly off the market today.  Missed it by one day. Oh well, back to the search.  I think I can do better than $825 a month which was the one I looked at Friday night.  Back to looking.


Sunday, October 12, 2014

Is There Life On Mars - Bowie

For the past two weeks, going on three now, my right arm is falling asleep.  Well, it feels like that when I'm awake.  When I'm asleep, it wakes me up with shooting pains that are so intense they cause me to want to whimper.  So I bite my pillow and get up and walk it out to get blood flowing.   At first I thought it was heart related but I remember two weeks ago carrying my groceries home on over both shoulders and how heavy they were.  After Second Daughter worked on it, and gave me some stretches to do, it is not waking me up every morning at 1am and then at 3am and then at 4am and then at 5am.  Now it waits until 5am so something is loosing up.  We think over the years of computer work and now lifting all the babies and kids, the heavy groceries pinched a nerve bundle.  It's tingly even now as I type.  I'm seriously considering trying to make an appointment to see the acupuncturist I went to as a birthday present.  When it wakes me from a deep sleep, it hurts much more than just the tingle of being asleep.  But that's the closest example I can use to describe it's lingering effects, and the fact that when I walk around and get more blood to it, it feels like that.  Hurts worse at first then gets better.  I'm not afraid to go to a doctor with this I just am not sure when I can.  Sundays are my only day off, and now that Second Daughters' show has started, , I am busy pretty much every day and night I'm not at my other job.  I'm hoping it gets better on its own, just like it got pinched on its own, and I realize it will take time, but I'm so tired of not sleeping well, and of the pain.

It reminds me of my Daughter In Law and how much pain she is in and how the doctors are so confused by it.  I know what I feel is only a fraction of what she lives with on a daily basis, and it makes me angry that she can't find a doctor to help her heal.  I know her pain is real, I wish they could see it.  Another reason I am shying away from doctors and going toward a more holistic approach.  I have so many friends and family members who have been treated unfairly or not treated at all.  I'm trying to have faith, but it's difficult to watch.

I'm going to research some more on this pain, and see if there is something else I can do, but for now since the stretching is helping, I'm not going to do anything with a doctor yet.

Feel free to comment if you've had similar pain and what helped you.  I'm giving it one more week before I seek professional attention.

At least the pain has not stopped me from working with all four of my small charges and living life.  The Fleetwood Mac concert here in Chicago, complete with the entire band for the first time in 16 years, was a wonderful night of adult time with Second Daughter.  As was the Bowie exhibit at the Museum of Contemporary Art, with First Daughter.  The only city in America to have this wonderful exhibit of fashion and music and art from the one and only David Bowie.  I'm surprised New York has not shown it.  So Chicago is now as cool as London and Berlin.  I love this city.


Sunday, October 5, 2014

The Wonderful Thing About Tigers- Oh Stuff and Fluff! THINK THINK THINK.

Sammy Bo Baggins and I this morning, me with my coffee and he with a secret sprinkled covered donut and milk.  Nothing is more sweet than special quiet time with one single child that loves you.  He applauded this mornings breakfast after eating all the sprinkles off his donut.  The sugar has not quite hit him yet, and his joyful cooing is the exact background I need this morning.  Every morning.  He is the most joyful child I have met since First Son.  Just happy to sit with me and tell me what's on his mind, even if I can't understand all his words yet, they will come, and I can't wait to hear what he has been thinking about.

I expect Ginger Snap to be up within the hour, and then the morning will become a bit louder.  But it is a joyful noise as well.  Ginger Snap and I had our special day most of yesterday, and today it is First Daughter's turn.

By 10 am I shall be with First Daughter at breakfast before we go to the Chicago Art Museum to see the Bowie exhibit.  Can't wait for some more adult time.  Speaking of adult time, if you get the chance to see the complete reunited Fleetwood Mac go.  Just go.  Even the cheep seats are well worth it.  I missed the Songbirds vocal harmonies more than I thought, and I'm all about the Gypsy in that band, and I loved it, even though it wasn't the Stevie Nicks show this year.

But if you'll excuse me, I'm introducing Sammy Bo Baggins to Winnie the Pooh's adventures, the movie from my childhood, and my children's....and after introducing Ginger Snap to Back To The Future over the past few weekends, I must not miss this.  Sammy Bo Baggins is as enrapt with Winnie the Pooh as Ginger Snap was with a time traveling train.  :)
