Sunday, August 27, 2017

Wizard World Con, Chicago!

What a roller-coaster ride of motions at Wizard Con this year.  Friday night while we were all sung in our hotel rooms or scoping out the con we all heard via Facebook, with a sad video from a very thin and tired looking David Tennant that he was just 'gutted' that he couldn't be with us this weekend, due to a family illness.  Which made us all immediately sad for ourselves and worried for him.  Wizard World is reimbursing us all for our VIP tickets and giving us free tickets for next year or any other con we'd like to go to this year because it was such a disappointment.  This meant that in our sorrow we were basically still VIP and there for free.  This enabled us to spend some money with vendors, which I did.  In fact it looks like a Doctor Who convention on my table right now. 

Not being able to meet David was rough, but I added Catherine Tate photo op and autograph, and Alex Kingston photo op to my already purchased John Barrowman photo shoot and Alex Kingston autograph.  (Niki and I wisely shared photo ops and the costs)   It made up for it, getting to meet Catherine, she and Alex are wonderful.  Alex is quite chatty and our autograph session went something like this:
Alex:  Hello me!
Me:  Hello Sweetie!
Alex:  But I never had blue hair before.
Me:  You will.  I'm the next regeneration.
Alex:  Fabulous!
Alex: This journal is lovely, where would you like me to sign?
Me: Anywhere you like.  Did you wish you could have had more story/screen time with David as the Doctor?  I feel like he got cheated out of your story-line.
Alex:  Yes.  He did get cheated didn't he.  Well ,I do get to see him usually at conventions so there is that.  And I see you have the sad VIP. 
Me: Yes.  But I hope all is well.  I will see you again at photos
Alex:  Good I'll make it up to you then.

She took her time signing everyone's autograph, which she didn't have to do, considering a late flight caused her to be an hour late to her signing.  This caused some to leave and try again.  But not us.  She was quite pleasant and chatty. 

After Alex, we high tailed it over to John to get our pictures taken and the first thing he said to me was "Hello Sweetie" and I lost the power of speech, as he put an arm around each of us, (Me and Nikki) and our photo was done.  The photo ops are great, and once the lines start moving are so fast.

After John it was time to eat and be overwhelmed by all the vendors and people.  SO MANY PEOPLE.  I don't like crowds and each night I needed to unwind from them.  There was so much to see, and the food wasn't that bad.  But next year we are going to plan ahead better for food.

Then it was time for us to line up for Alex's photo shoot, which was just as quick as John's but when she saw us she said, "Hello again.  How are you?"  And I lost the power of speech again. 
Unfortunately the powers that be when rescheduling Dave's time, didn't plan the Doctor Who talent very well and John's panel was at the same time as the time we had for our photo shoot with Catherine so we had to skip him.  I'm sure it's on YouTube and I can catch it and him another time.  We ran on to Catherine photo shoot.  There's a lot of running to stand in line at comic con. 

Nikki had met Catherine while I was at work on Friday and got her autograph for me, so I didn't get to say much to her, unfortunately.  But she was very pleasant to us both an looked us in the eye and said hello to us for our photo shoot with her.  It was very late in the day by then.   I'm sure they were all much more tired than we were and my feet were killing me. 

So we called it a day, but got all our standing in line done on day one.  Which left day two to shop and be relaxed as we people watched.  And see the band Critical Hit who does all rock songs of our favorite video games.  They were the warm up band for the only panel I had time to see, which was the one panel I really wanted to see with The Doctor's wife and his two companions.  Alex, Catherine and Jenna.  I hope its on YouTube as well so I can watch it again.  No I didn't film it.  I wanted to experience it.  And they were funny and being in the front row, I felt lucky and intimate.  And when I turned around the room was packed.  SRO. 

After the shopping and all the people we called it a day.  Nikki left for home and so did I.  And now I'm unpacked and playing with all my new swag, and getting ready to watch GOT season finale.  I can't wait to see it.  And be sung in my own bed with my fabulous memories of my first Comic Con.  It won't be my last.


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