Sunday, April 1, 2012

Bad Things Come In Threes...

What a bummer of a week.  Not even the whole week, actually the week was pretty good, Friday sucked.  Got bad news from three different areas of my life all on the same day.  They say trouble comes in threes and I think I've had my bad news for the year now.  I can't go into detail, but I think you will find some similarities in your life with the bare essentials because as a community of humans we are all going through the same thing.  This weeks blog is not to air dirty laundry or get to personalm but to help each other cope.  Because that's the real trick isn't?

So  my bad news came in the area of work, medical and legal issues.  All wonderful areas to have problems in, and all full of red tape of one kind or another.  Before my kids jump off a bridge with worry, the possible pending legal issue is mine, everything else is friends, but still effected my week.

How did I cope?  I chose my favorite poison and decided to be numb for a day.  Just not think about anything or anyone else's problems.  Just for one day.  Yesterday.  And that worked.  I haven't been that relaxed in a long time.  You may not need a poison, or your 'poison' can be a good thing.  What ever you are addicted to, exercise, running, movies, books, or the big three, sex, drugs and rock n roll...what ever it is, take a day for yourself and just do it.  Get out.  Get away.  Live the fantasy.  It's your life, and you only get this one.  There is nothing after, and even if there is, you won't remember it.  You don't get to know about past lives or future ones.  Your life is now.  This is what counts.  What you do with your life while you can still move and think and go to the bathroom under your own power is what will help you through your long nights alone.  And if you are one of those that think because you are married maybe with children, that you'll never be alone.  HA.  I got some bad news for you sunshine....'we all die alone'.

So instead of being upset that your life has taken a bad turn, or you seem to have all the bad luck, stop.  Take a day to be numb or feel sorry for yourself or whatever you need to regroup.  And then take a deep breath and do something about it.  Make a plan to fix your problem.  Head it off at the pass if you can, and if you can't do that, batten down the hatches for the shit-storm you know is coming.  And believe in yourself and your  own resources.  After all, you got yourself this far in life, right?  And I bet in most of your problems as a grown up, you did it all on your own, and you solved it all on your own.  You may have had good and bad advise but in the end, the decisions and actions were yours alone.

And remember to be honest with yourself.  Do not do anything that makes you feel negative about yourself.  You are your own worst enemy and best friend in this area.  And you may surprise yourself in what you are capable of doing for love or a friend in need or a family member.  But don't let that stop you if you feel good about what you are doing.  That's personal growth, and it's a required and repeated course in your life journey.  And personal growth is just that....personal.  No one has a right to judge you on it.  Because like your smile or your laugh it's yours and yours alone.

Bad things that happen test who you are, not for anyone else, but for you.  And if you are paying attention you will see who you are as you change.  If you are not you will miss it, but those who love you will not.  They will see the changes, you can think you hiding them from them, but you are wrong.  They will see them, because they love you.  I guess that's kind of a sneaky way to see who loves you, and who may just be saying the words.

Something to think about...

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